A look at the headlines from newspapers that make Britions believe in the good old days of slum housing, scurvy and general social deprevation

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Daily Express Wednesday November 8th

The Express are suffering from OCD in relation to the
veil, whilst the majority of newspapers have given the debate a rest the Express insist on dragging it out as much as possible, they are obsessed. Not only with the veil but with that picture as well. I hope that poor girl under there, restricted or not, is getting some money for all these pictures the Express is using of her. Whilst i don't agree with the wearing of the veil in certain situations, teaching for instance, this relentless tied of Islamiphobia being driven by the media has got to stop.

The story infact concerns a judge asking a laywer to remove her veil so he could hear her better, she refused and the judge adjourned the case. Therefore this headline is complete nonsense.

As for the 'I was once a celebrity, love it or loathe it, we'll all watch it!'

No we wont.


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