A look at the headlines from newspapers that make Britions believe in the good old days of slum housing, scurvy and general social deprevation

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Daily Mail November 28 2006


Buy the Mail everyday and let it do it for you!

The underlines only mean one thing friends, the Mail means business.

This story concerns and Archbishop hitting out at
government plans to force the church, like any business, to allow the same rights of employment to homosexuals that hetrosexuals enjoy. So the Archbishop's a bit annoyed, well its not like the church has ever imposed its morality on anybody.

The Catholic church are a fine bunch to talk about morality after all that child abuse that was covered up, but this is a blog about the Daily Mail so enough of that. For more ammusement regarding this morality story I urge you all to visit the DM website, best comment comes from an L Humphries, not sure where he's from but that place called Middle England i expect, just to the right of Middle Earth where those nice Hobbit boys come from, anyway, as i was saying. Now i've heard homosexuality called many things before but never "the current model of sexual orientation accepted by a vociferous minority." What is he going on about?

Concerning the story at the top of the page, i went to nice once, never heard anything about it sentencing people to death.


Diana Day gold from the Express yesterday, how i missed this one ill never know. Anyway, as sure as eggs is eggs (and i've probably said this a thousand times) Monday is Diana day.

A few points

1)If you say 'driver riddle' really qiuckly it becomes 'drivel', which effectively is what this story is.

2)Was the driver playing suduko?

3) Or have the Express finally accepted that the driver was drunk and MI6, Prince Philip and aliens with laser beams had in fact nothing to do with her death at all.

Tomoro in the Express, imigrant bashing, thursday will be house prices and friday will be something about a new stealth tax.


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