Daily Express December 12 o6
This story just enranged me this morning. One of my best friends from home has recently been sent to prison for 2 years. From what i could make out from his mum who was crying down the phone to me i can honestly say a luxury Christmas is something he certainly won't be enjoying.
Christams is a time for merryment an family, grandad getting drunk and telling me and my cousins his 'in the war stories'
For him, Christmas might as well be like everyother week.
He gets half an hours worth of phone credit a week and once a fortnight he gets one visit. A maximum of 3 people are allowed at the visit. He has 3 brothers plus his mum and dad.
So he might get a second helping of Turkey. Hardly luxury. Piss off Express.
I wish the express would stop sensationally forcasting the weather. So there is more rain to come. I wonder what odds you would get in the bookies for predicting rain in the near future. Laugh at you i expect.
Thing about the poor girls in Suffolk is terrible. I really think that instead of simply looking down on this 'underclass' of society it time some sort of government regulated legal prostitution was introduced. It's the oldest profession in the world so it's not just going to go away. Some sort of licenced establishment, where prostitutes could feel safe, be monitoured and have access to sexual health care, the police and social services. Plus the government could tax it.
What do you think?
I would love to have heard what the Express said about the prisoner's Christmas.
I have to agree with the comment about as a society we look down on the underclass. In Germany and Holland they have procedures and laws in place regarding prostitutes. I really think this will help and move us into the 21st century!
Kepp up the good work Ian I like what you're doing with this blog
2:19 AM
Hi Ian, A lot to think about from your last blog entry. I can understand that you’re angry because your friend may not have the best Christmas and can’t even see all of his family yet, the papers sensationalise prisons and at best describe them as holiday camps. It would be interesting to hear from your friend when he comes home to find out what it is really like in prison. Perhaps this could make people think twice.
As for legalising prostitution, I’m not convinced. Yes I agree the girls should be kept safe and receive appropriate sexual health care but as far as I am concerned prostitution is still morally wrong! Erin x
1:02 PM
The only reason prostitution is still pushed under the carpet and considered a taboo subject is that if prostitution was openly debated users of prostitutes would be expossed i.e government officials and high flyers in society and business.
Homosexuality has been discussed and opinions and laws reformed why can't the same happen with prostitution? like mentioned by Michelle, reform would help us move into the 21st century.
9:56 AM
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