A look at the headlines from newspapers that make Britions believe in the good old days of slum housing, scurvy and general social deprevation

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Daily Mail, December 29th

It is Christmas so i feel a really corny christmas cracker joke is in order.

Q-What do u call a woman who put faith before life?

A-A dictionary writer.

That was awful.

I swear the Mail dream up the sensationalist headlines so when we're feeling rather ill and these miracle cures don't happen we all blame the NHS and Labour for it. Not everything can be cured and when flu is 'cured' something just as nasty will evolve to replace it.

I bet that board game is about as 'hilarious' as drinking bleech.

Daily Excess, December 29th

The news is simply googled now, selected by some cat walking on a keyboard. The weather is cheap and easy to report and no one is going to come after the Express for miss reporting it as might happen if they did some real journalism. Nothing better to do than talk about the weather. James Brown dies, Sadam to be hanged maybe a bit better. The express alwyas report the weather and always to great excess. I'll look forward to hearing how many people died in this killer storm. Storms have got a bad rep, i would like to see headlines like '80mph friendly storms to lash Britain'.

Most trusted aide, wouldn't be Paul 'sell your soul you silly twat' Burrell would it?

I would love to bag myself an Eva but its not going to happen, not yet anyway.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Daily Express December 12 o6
This story just enranged me this morning. One of my best friends from home has recently been sent to prison for 2 years. From what i could make out from his mum who was crying down the phone to me i can honestly say a luxury Christmas is something he certainly won't be enjoying.
Christams is a time for merryment an family, grandad getting drunk and telling me and my cousins his 'in the war stories'
For him, Christmas might as well be like everyother week.
He gets half an hours worth of phone credit a week and once a fortnight he gets one visit. A maximum of 3 people are allowed at the visit. He has 3 brothers plus his mum and dad.
So he might get a second helping of Turkey. Hardly luxury. Piss off Express.
I wish the express would stop sensationally forcasting the weather. So there is more rain to come. I wonder what odds you would get in the bookies for predicting rain in the near future. Laugh at you i expect.
Thing about the poor girls in Suffolk is terrible. I really think that instead of simply looking down on this 'underclass' of society it time some sort of government regulated legal prostitution was introduced. It's the oldest profession in the world so it's not just going to go away. Some sort of licenced establishment, where prostitutes could feel safe, be monitoured and have access to sexual health care, the police and social services. Plus the government could tax it.
What do you think?